Hi! My name is Anastasiia

Member of International Watercolor Society Russia, the Union of Russian Artists and Society of Scottish Artists. In 2018 took on an exciting five-year personal challenge: creating one sketch per day. Produced an impressive body of work, comprising over 1,845 artworks.

“I am dedicated to advancing and popularizing the exquisite art of sketching in the enchanting watercolor style, fostering its appreciation and practice globally.”

Hi! My name is Anastasiia

Member of International Watercolor Society Russia, the Union of Russian Artists and Society of Scottish Artists. In 2018 took on an exciting five-year personal challenge: creating one sketch per day. Produced an impressive body of work, comprising over 1,845 artworks.

“I am dedicated to advancing and popularizing the exquisite art of sketching in the enchanting watercolor style, fostering its appreciation and practice globally.”


Selected art works from five-year challenge: one sketch per day.

Years from 2018 till 2023.


Anastasia Kozlova

b. 1987 in Kazan, Russia

Based now in Antalya, Turkey


2002 - Children’s Drawing School No.1, Kazan

2013 - Higher Education, Translator, Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Kazan

2018 - Higher Education, Fine Art Teacher, National Research Institute of Additional Professional Education, Moscow

2023 - Short course “Contemporary Drawing and Painting” at University of Arts London,

Central Saint Martins, London

Areas of Expertise:

Watercolor sketching, Watercolor painting


2023 - “Information”, Phoenix Art Space, Brighton, UK

2023 - "30x30 Online Edition", Society of Scottish Artists, Ayr, UK

2023 - "Dreamscapes", Leisure Yard, London, UK

2023 - “NOTION MOTION II”, Holy Art Gallery, London, UK

2023 - “Unmasked”, TSUM Art Gallery, Rudny, Kazakhstan

2023 - "SERENDIPITY", London, UK

2022 - "Still and Wild", Larisa Deperschmidt Art Gallery

2016 - “Art - Gallery. Kazan”, Exhibition Center Expo, Kazan

2016 - “Art Perm”’, Exhibition Center, Perm

2015 - “Art Ekaterinburg”, Exhibition Center, Ekaterinburg

2015 - National Art Gallery "Khazine" in the Kazan Kremlin, Kazan

2015 - “Art - Gallery. Kazan”, Exhibition Center Expo, Kazan

2014 - Solo exhibition, Anti Cafe Ziferblat, Kazan

Art Prize:

2020 - Hungarian Contemporary Art Prize, Painting/Fine Art section

2023 - Art Bird, Flowers of spring

2023 - Art Bird, The era of change

Teaching Experience:

9 years as a founder and a teacher at the "Dream and Draw" Art School, 32 Online Art Marathons, 7 Online Art Courses

Art Events and Projects:

2014 - 2015 - Organization and performance of several сharity art classes for “Art for Life” charity organization and “We are together” cancer patients care charity organization, Kazan

2015 - 2017 - Organization and performance of city-wide art events in Kazan

2016 - Organization of art works exhibition in State Autonomous Institution of Health “Interregional clinical diagnostic center”, Kazan

2020 - 2022 - Organization and performance of online art challenges "Sketch Advent" and "Sketch Autumn" with thousands of participants worldwide


2014 - Article about solo exhibition in Anti Cafe Ziferblat, Kazan. “Sobaka” magazine

2016 - Article about teaching practice, Kazan. “ProKazan” news

2016 - An announcement about a charity event for “We are together” cancer patients care charity organization, Kazan.

2018 - An interview on television about my drawing method, Kazan. TNV Channel

2020 - A short review about my teaching practice, Kazan. “Inde” magazine

2022 - Nordistica about my work

2023 - Sum&Substance about my work

2023 - Vents about my work

2023 - The Industry Times about my work


2023 - London Cult about my work


Artist Statement

As an artist, I believe that art serves as a powerful tool for self-discovery and introspection. My artistic philosophy revolves around the idea that the process of creating art, particularly drawing, enables individuals to better understand themselves. By employing a simple watercolor sketching style, I aim to demonstrate that the journey of self-learning is accessible to everyone, just like this adaptable art form.

Watercolor sketching serves as my chosen language, enabling me to articulate and convey the experiences I encounter while exploring the world. The simplicity and disproportions in my watercolor sketching style are intentional, as I believe in the power of universal understanding. It is my desire for everyone, regardless of their background or artistic knowledge, to connect with the experiences and narratives embedded within my artwork.

The environment around me serves as my source of inspiration, and I make an effort to portray this in my work by using vibrant colors and strong contrasts. Watercolor sketching, with its versatile techniques and visual clarity, allows me to present ideas in a clear, contrasty, and captivating manner. The medium's ability to create vivid contrasts and catch the viewer's attention enhances the impact of the stories I seek to share. My artworks explore the duality of our existence, emphasizing that the light cannot exist without the darkness, sun without moon, color without dullness, and dynamics without statics.

My art explores the relationship between light and dark, revealing the delicate balance between thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. I'm fascinated by the complex relationships and conflicts between opposing forces. My work aims to cast light on the fundamental connections and tensions that give our world its structure by drawing on the basic principles of dialectical philosophy.

Along with contrasting black liner that gives a strong graphic visuals and soft watercolor washes my watercolor sketches often incorporate unconventional materials, such as salt or wax resist, which create intriguing textures and organic patterns. This experimentation adds a distinct tactile quality to the artwork, engaging viewers' senses and inviting them to explore the piece.

Through my watercolor sketches, I invite viewers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery, embracing the power of art to inspire introspection and foster a deeper understanding of the complexities that define our existence. By celebrating the beauty of contrasts and the harmony found within duality, my artwork serves as a visual reminder of the interconnectedness of all things.

My art also engages with themes of creating a safe, comfortable and cozy place in today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world. In an increasingly digital age, my artwork seeks to emphasize the value of mindfulness and reconnecting with the present moment. By capturing scenes of natural beauty, cities and cozy places and inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the tranquility of my watercolor sketches, I hope to encourage a deeper appreciation for the world around us and the importance of cultivating inner peace.

Contact me
Whether you're interested in collaborating on a project or showcasing my artwork in your esteemed gallery, I'm excited to explore new artistic possibilities with you.